CAI Arizona Chapter has a no tolerance policy regarding “suitcasing”, which describes the practice of business partners, management companies or individuals soliciting sales or sales leads in any of the Chapter events where a paid sponsorship is required to participate, (i.e. Tradeshow, golf, luncheons, etc.). This includes any clothing or items that display a company logo.
The tradeshow has booth exhibitors and luncheon sponsors; in this case the luncheon sponsors are only allowed to attend the luncheon portion and are not allowed to enter the tradeshow floor at any time. Talking to clients or prospects in or in front of someone else’s booth is also a violation of the CAI policy and will not be tolerated. All parts of the exhibit must remain in the exhibitor’s assigned space. No exhibit will be allowed to infringe upon aisle space.
The golf tournament has a similar clause; you must either sponsor a portion of the event or have obtained a foursome in order to attend any portion of the event for the day. If you choose to partner with another business you must pay equal half of the total cost in order to participate in the event.
Violators of these policies will be ejected from the event and charged the amount of a tradeshow booth, golf foursome, T-Box, casino night table, bowling lane, bingo night table or any other event the member or nonmember has chosen to attend without proper permission. The charge must be paid in full before they are able to participate in any future function of the Chapter.